1972 Wiley Agee in 2009 at KU SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1973 In 2009 Wiley Agee Dave Fisher
1974 Bernie Barb Becker in 2009 at SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1974 Brent Messick
1974 Jayhawk Hotel Scene of many SigEp parties as seen in 2017
1974 Jeff Hutsell
1974 Messick Gray Brown
1974 New Members
1974 SigEp Main Entry Door where current Naismith Display Case is Bill Bucher
1975 Church Brown Miller T Gray Mullett Icenogle Ruane C Rhoades Boyle Passmore Rump Harpster Weinand D Gray Howell Gromesh Ashner Hutsell Benge Fitzgerald J Rhoads Buffer
1975 Wes Icenogle in 2016
1975 Bowery Brawl Tom Gray Wes Icenogle Larry Miller
1976 Bowery Brawl Tom Gray
1976 Bus Ride to K State Len Weinand John Baker Bob Allen Tom Gray Jack Moorhead Harold Lamb Mike Mealman
1976 Christmas in Room 2
1976 Jeff Chanay Joe Lillis Tom Gray Grant Harris John Owen John Marshall Gus Meyer Rick Chambers
1976 Larry Miller Jerry Busch at Alumni Reunion
1976 Room 2 Dale Seuferling
1976 SigEp Dining Room Greg Morris Greg Williams John Merrick Dan Lonergan
1977 Bil Brown Larry Miller in 2009 at the SigEp Business Lunch
1977 Bill Brown Corlis Miller in 2009 at SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1977 Bill Brown Room 2
1977 Craig Templeton Steve Segebrecht in 2009 at SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1977 Dale Marianne Seuferling in 2009 at SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1977 Dale Seuferling Tom Gray John Owen
1977 Dale Seuferling Tom Gray Mark Allen in 2009 at SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1977 Housemother Jean Morgan
1977 In 1998 Bill Brown Mike Lundblade
1977 In 1998 Roland Exon Mike Mealman Rich Jones Bob Brown Mike Lundblade Gary Hellman Brad Hembree
1977 Initiation Formal
1977 Larry Miller awards Gus Meyer the Outstanding Alumnus of the Year at the 2009 SigEp Business Lunch
1977 Rodd Staker Tom Gray
1977 Room 2 Dale Seuferling Tom Gray
1977 SigEp
1977 Tom Gray Mike Lundblade Rolland Exon Kirk Witmeyer John Fulkerson Kelly Vogt Steve Segebrecht Bob Brown Dale Seuferling Rich Jones Bill Brown
1977 Tom Gray
1977 Final Day of Classes at the Entrance to Summerfield Hall Business School Bill Brown
1978 Chapter Meeting President Craig Templeton
1978 Craig Templeton Gus Meyer in 2009 at SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1978 Craig Templeton at KU SigEps Ribbon Cutting in 2009
1978 Gus and Stan Meyer in 2009 at KU SigEps Expansion Ribbon Cutting
1978 In 1998 Rick Chambers
1978 Ross Hutton Mom Jean Morgan Chris Huppe Chuck Adams Mike Robinson
1979 Tom Pickford Craig Templeton in 2013
1970 SigEp Backyard
1971 Bill Neidt Tom Wertz Mike Cavender in 2011
1971 Bob Grabill Ron Canda Spencer Boland in 2011
1971 In the Chapter Room in 2011
1971 Ron Canda in 2011
1971 Ron Canda Bob Grabill Jack Kilroy Chris Forbes Tom Wertz in 2011
1970 Mother Marge Peters in the dining room buffet
1970s At Homecoming 2000
1970s Larry Miller Dave Wood Kevin Fitzpatrick Terry Kilroy Mike Cavendar
1970s The laundromat at 19th Louisiana at that spot for at least 5 decades
1971 Bernie Becker 2017 Alumnus of the Year
1972 Jayhawk Hotel Topeka
1972 Leon Drooper
1975 KU SigEp wins the Buchanan Cup
1975 Room 12 4 Man Room Sleep in Sleeping Dorms
1977 Chapter 62 in house membership
1977 Chapter Backyard Photo
1977 Class of 77 ID Car
1977 Room 2 Tom Gray
1978 Chapter Photo
1978 President Craig Templeton
1979 Reggie Brady Wertz Fitzpatrick ORIGINAL FRONT DOOR Faces 17th Street